Why Should You Always Choose LPG Over Wood as a Cooking Fuel

Let’s start this blog with an interesting number as given by the International Energy Agency. It’s predicted that somewhere between 800 million to 2 billion people will switch from traditional cooking with wood to other fuels such as LPG by 2030.

Off all the lot, LPG is the preferred fuel for a variety of reasons. If we take a narrative of comparison between LPG and wood, we are sure that there will be a lot of points in favor of LPG. Even if we are not covering the entire points list, let’s look at some of the major ones.

·         Efficiency: LPG is more energy concentrated compared with wood. Annual per capital cooking requires only 43 kg of LPG compared to the 400 kg of wood. The fuel consumption is cut approximately as 1/10th. This is because LPG transfers 50% of its energy to the stove compared to the 10-20% of wood.

·         Health: Wood leads to a lot of pollution because wood creates exhaust smoke. Wood cooking is one of the primary reasons for indoor air pollution, which claims more than a million lives every year.

·         Carbon efficiency: Wood consists of only 50% fuel and the rest are molecularly bound oxygen with vapour while LPG is completely fuel. Thus burning wood wastes a lot of heat while the energy is not transferred properly.

·         Environment Friendly: LPG can reduce Carbon dioxide emissions significantly and this is much more effective in a tropical country like ours. The data projects the emissions can be curbed by up to 60%.

·         Sustainability: Switching to LPG will save a lot of trees from being cut down. For example if only 100 families switch from wood to LPG, we can save close to 21.5 hectare of forest.

·         Better control: LPG fires can be easily turned on or off using a stove, while trying to douse a wood fire will be a bigger problem because of the smoke it releases.

These are but very few reasons to get LPG for home. Now getting a new gas connection is very easy with the government also supporting this. Zikky Zanga also supports the greener and better switch to LPG from wood for your health and for environment’s sake.