The Five Important Tips To Choose Your LPG Supplier For Hotels

It was your dream and passion to be a restaurant owner. Now you’ve fulfilled it with the best restaurant in town. But …. there are occasional hiccups where the manager and chefs reach out to you  saying “The gas cylinder is over”.

You wonder because you changed them yesterday only. But the time is not to ponder, but to take action. You call up your usual gas agency, explain the situation and say it’s urgent while he callously replies, “Sorry sir, but we can’t deliver today”. You’re stuck!

Many of you restaurant owners might have faced a similar situation where you might have even lost your brand image. You would’ve toiled day and night  to bring your hotel recognition but all would’ve been lost because of one thing – YOUR LPG SUPPLIER WAS NOT RELIABLE.

So to choose a reliable, trustworthy LPG supplier what must you do? Scroll down and read the five most important checks you must do to ensure  your supplier as trustworthy and reliable.

  1. Brand Recognition: Many private LPG players have established a base and are operating here. There are local  LPG bottlers also. Before choosing your supplier you must do due diligence to understand whether the brand is reputed and should be your qualifying filter. It’s best if you understand their history, global presence, etc…
  2. The supplier infrastructure: It’s not enough knowing the brand and the company’s history. It is good to analyze the basic infrastructure of your supplier like import terminals, filling plants. This helps in understanding whether he will be able to meet your supply requirements and expectations and more so during a crisis situation!
  3. Supply Chain Management: Owning a lot of terminals and filling plants are just not enough. Whether the supplier has the ability to provide uninterrupted supply on a timely basis is one of the major distinguishing factors. An organization without a dedicated and experienced supply chain management will fall short of Customer expectations. Therefore, it’s a must that they have a fleet of dedicated vehicles with efficient supply chain management practices.
  4. Safety: Safety comes first. Any fuel handling requires the utmost precaution. The way the organization treats its product and handling displays a lot about the commitment towards safety, which will definitely be reflected at the customer place.
  5. Relationship with existing customers: Enquiring about the supplier from his existing customers will help in revealing the supplier’s true rating on products, services, and professional approach. Their experience and feedback will help you better in choosing the right supplier.

If you like to know more, call us on 08033058259 or fill our online contact form. We would be happy to help you out.